Top 5 Flea Trap Reviews & Best Homemade Trap that Really Works

Flea under real magnifying glass over white.

You’ve walked into your home, notice the dog scratching a little more often than usual, and all of a sudden you feel a slight pinch on your leg – you’ve been bit. Before you can slap the bug, you notice it hopped off of your leg. It’s a flea. Fleas can lay eggs every 12 …

Read moreTop 5 Flea Trap Reviews & Best Homemade Trap that Really Works

Reviews Of The Best Flea Shampoo For Cats – 5 Cutting Edge Picks

best cats flea shampoo review

Cаtѕ аrе саllеd incredibly new animals. Thеу nоrmаllу groom themselves соnѕtаntlу аll thrоugh a ѕinglе dау. For that rеаѕоn, they оftеn dо not nееd bathing. Still, оссаѕiоnаllу cat masters muѕt givе аn аѕѕiѕting hаnd for thе cats оf their grооming to be sure thеir jоу and wеllnеѕѕ. If уоur cat саn’t реrfоrm this, оr ѕimрlу …

Read moreReviews Of The Best Flea Shampoo For Cats – 5 Cutting Edge Picks

Bed Bug vs. Flea: The Differences (Plus Bed Bug vs. Carpet Beetle vs. Tick)

Bed Bug vs Flea

Beg Bugs under bed zoomed in.Bed bugs and fleas – two pests no one wants anywhere near their homes. Yet, most of us will find ourselves dealing with one or other (maybe both) at some point in our lives. If you have pets, fleas are inevitable if you don’t take the right steps to prevent them. If you travel often, your risks of bringing home bed bugs skyrockets.

And while bed bugs and fleas are similar in some ways, they are inherently different bugs. Because both of them bite humans, it can be difficult to determine which critter you’re dealing with.

Bed Bug vs. Flea: What’s the Difference?

1. Bed Bugs 101

Read moreBed Bug vs. Flea: The Differences (Plus Bed Bug vs. Carpet Beetle vs. Tick)

How Long Can Fleas Live Without a Host? 17 More Flea Unnoticeable Facts

17 Flea Facts

If you have pets, you’ve probably gone toe-to-toe with an army of fleas at least once. In a matter of days, these pests can take over your home, taking no prisoners and making you their full-time buffet. But most people don’t realize that fleas can invade your home even if you don’t have any furry friends living with you. Tracking in just one or two from the outdoors can lead to an infestation quicker than you ever imagined.

Read more about Fleas Ivade Home

Armed with enough knowledge about your tiny foes, you can kick that flea infestation out of your home swiftly and without mercy. Continue reading to get the facts on fleas.

1. Are Fleas Insects?

Yes. Fleas are a part of the Siphonaptera order, and they’re considered external parasites. What many people don’t realize is that there are actually several species of fleas in the world – more than 2,000.

Read moreHow Long Can Fleas Live Without a Host? 17 More Flea Unnoticeable Facts

Bug Bites 101: Flea Bite Vs. Mosquito Bite Vs. Spider Bite Vs. Chigger Bite

Cartoon funny flea illustration on a white background. Flea sitting on the skin and flea bite illustration.

After a long, fun day at the park, you come home feeling refreshed, a little tired and itchy all over. With each scratch, those bites on your legs and arms swell. What exactly bit you? Was it a flea? A mosquito? Chiggers? A spider? Your first instinct may be to assume that it was flea. …

Read moreBug Bites 101: Flea Bite Vs. Mosquito Bite Vs. Spider Bite Vs. Chigger Bite