8 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Drain Flies Completely

Drain fly isolated on the white.

Close-up of a drain gnat sucking blood on human’s skin.Sewer gnats, sink flies, drain flies – no matter what you call them, these pests are a royal pain. They may not do you any harm, but they sure love to buzz around your face just to drive you mad.

As you may have guessed, these flies feed on sewage and organic matter. Considering their hangouts and diet, it’s a surprise these pests don’t transmit human disease.

Even though these flies are harmless, females can lay between 30 and 100 eggs at once, and it takes just two days for eggs to hatch into drain worms. In just a few days, the population can start to get out of control.

Read more8 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Drain Flies Completely