14 Types of Centipedes: Facts, Photos, Information

Cеntiреdеѕ hаvе thе basic bоdу ѕhаре оf a wоrm, but they hаvе lеgѕ and fangs, оftеn with a vеnоmоuѕ bitе thаt can bе vеrу раinful. The nаmе mеаnѕ “hundrеd lеggеd,” but thеу gеnеrаllу hаvе оnlу 10 tо 30 раirѕ of lеgѕ, with оnе раir аttасhеd tо each ѕеgmеnt. They are саrnivоrоuѕ аnd tend tо prey …

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Earwig Bites: 6 Common Symptoms, 5 Treatment Steps & 6 Useful Control Methods

Earwig isolated on the white.

Earwigs are insects that belong to the order Dermaptera. They are minuscule and yet horrid looking bug. An adult earwig varies from 5-25mm in size. They consist of two pairs of wings and pincers on the back of their abdomens that make them look scary. You can also call the pincers forceps and earwigs use them to catch their prey and protect themselves from other creatures.

These little creatures are nocturnal in nature that they are active mostly at night time. Also, they are omnivorous that they can eat plants and live on other insects as well.

Earwig bites mark on a woman's neck.
Source: https://www.google.com

As the name depicts, “earwigs,” many people have certain myths that these insects live inside the human ear and get their feed. Whereas some people also have strange thoughts that this insect attacks the brain. Well, you see it is not always right, any insect can get inside your ear even the ants. These horror film type assumptions and accusations have made this bug scary and dangerous in our eyes.

Read moreEarwig Bites: 6 Common Symptoms, 5 Treatment Steps & 6 Useful Control Methods

Earwig: 4 Necessary Details & How to Control Them

Earwig isolated on green leaf.

Basic information about earwig

Reddish-brown colored and scary looking insect is known as Earwig. It belongs to the order Deraptera. There are almost two thousand species of earwig is present in the world. They have been divided into 12 different families and is one of the smallest insect orders found in the globe. These insects can be found all around the world except the Antarctica continent. They look considerably flat, elongated and frightening because of their unique feature. There are few myths about earwig roaming in people for an extended period, making people get scared. Here in this article, we will discuss all necessary details about earwig and the reality behind the myths.

1. Appearance and size

Read moreEarwig: 4 Necessary Details & How to Control Them

Centipede vs. Millipede: 9 Similarities, 7 Differences & 8 Surprising Facts

Millipede and centipede with words "Millipede OR Centipede?" on the white.

Centipedes can range in size from 6 to 8 inches, the millipedes range in size is from 4 to 5 inches. They both are elongated and segmented with many pairs of legs. They consist of toxic compounds, and they are severely harmful if these chemical compounds encounter with human skin. Centipedes and millipedes both can be found in bright and dark colors like green, yellow, red, blue, orange, and much more. According to scientists these bright color insects are a warning to people.

Centipedes and millipedes have things in common

Read moreCentipede vs. Millipede: 9 Similarities, 7 Differences & 8 Surprising Facts

How to Get Rid of Earwigs: 8 Effective Commercial Repellents & Traps

Earwig isolated on the white.

Why do I have earwigs in my apartment or home? The favorite and suitable living place for earwigs are those containing moist, shelter and adequate food supply. For this reason, earwig enters in apartments or homes. They do not make their residence inside our homes intentionally. Rather, they get in accidentally as a result of …

Read moreHow to Get Rid of Earwigs: 8 Effective Commercial Repellents & Traps

Centipede Bites: 6 Symptoms and 7 Effective Treatments

Centipede crawling on hand

Centipedes are quite poisonous as well as voracious. At the base of centipedes’ fangs, there is a gland where venom forms. Maxillipeds manage venom which is present on the first segment of their body. When they capture their prey, the venom present in their gland is squeezed up through the muscles which carry it. With the venom, the toxins are also ejected by ducts that look like a needle. In spite of that, the venom is not strong enough to take the life of a human. However, the majority of centipede bites are quite painful, as well as hazardous.

There are many kinds of centipedes present across the world. All species contain venom in their glands. Nonetheless, a bite of each kind has its reactions. According to researchers, it has not been seen that bites of centipede killed people or pets. Bites of each kind can cause severe problems for individuals and pets. Ordinary house centipedes do not pose a threat to humans.

Read moreCentipede Bites: 6 Symptoms and 7 Effective Treatments

How to Kill Centipede with Chemical Insecticide & Lethal Traps

Picture of centipede

The nocturnal centipedes are active at night. They are found both in the exteriors and the interiors of the domestic premises. Their living areas comprise of the damp places that are located under the stones, leaves, boards and twigs that are lying in there for a long time. They are found in abundance in the foundations of any buildings too. The centipedes are extremely dangerous for the plantations, architecture and the human health too. Apparently, they do not seem dangerous, but as the number increases their severe impacts also multiply. Thus, to avoid any danger, the centipedes must be immediately removed.

Read moreHow to Kill Centipede with Chemical Insecticide & Lethal Traps

Centipede: Basic Information, Relationship with Humans & 9 Common Species

Centipede isolated on the white.

Basic information about centipede

Centipede is a combination of two Latin words; ‘centi-‘ which means ‘hundred’ and ‘pedis’ which means ‘foot.’ It is an arthropod from class Chilopoda. Centipedes have an elongated body with many segments and each body segment containing a pair of legs. These creatures are considered to be very venomous. The centipede venom has some paralyzing enzymes. These creatures along with millipedes, easily characterized by so many legs that move in a wave like symmetry. The number of legs that centipede has ranged from over 30 to nearly 360. The number of pair of legs is always an odd number. Hence, no single creature has exactly 100 legs thus, making it misleading centipede name.

Read moreCentipede: Basic Information, Relationship with Humans & 9 Common Species