Longhorn Beetle: Help Stop the Asian Longhorned Beetle from Killing More Trees

Longhorn beetle isolated on the white.

Longhorn beetle facts

1. Appearance and size

Asian Longhorned Beetles are shiny black beetles having black with white spots on their outer body parts. On the black elytra of both sexes, they have 20 irregular white spots. These beetles have black and white banded long antennae which are almost as long as their bodies. The adult Asian Longhorned Beetles has a size of approximately 20-35 mm long, and they have a whitish-blue upper section of the legs. The unique appearance with extremely long antennae, characteristics, and colorings of these beetles distinguish them from other species that are closely related. The beetle, in Oklahoma, is often most confused with cottonwood borer.

Read moreLonghorn Beetle: Help Stop the Asian Longhorned Beetle from Killing More Trees